Educational Spending
I found this interesting. The United States spends more on education than the rest of the G8 countries combined:
Canada 65.4 (billion)
France 121
Germany 129.8
Italy 82 (est)
Japan 160.5
Russia 86.9
United Kingdom 122.6
Total 768.20 billion
United States 809.60 billion
If this was a comparison of military might, the obvious inference would be that we severely overspend. But because this is about education, something that average US citizens have direct experience with, that's almost certainly not the first thought that comes to mind. We more quickly understand that we judge education spending on things like 1) what is the goal of education?, 2) is that goal being reached with current funding?, and 3) resources are scarce, are we spending it wisely in this area?
This is exactly the approach that we should use when it comes to military spending as well. Any static comparison of total budgets misses several of these points.