A Libertarian Bill of Rights
There is an interesting editorial in the WSJ today arguing for a 'Federalism Amendment'.
The text of the proposed amendment is in the editorial. A lengthy response to its specifics was written here and on the face of it I'm inclined to agree that it needs some work. But the process is a good one, though not quite what I'd suggest.Article V provides that, "on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states," Congress "shall call a convention for proposing amendments." Before becoming law, any amendments produced by such a convention would then need to be ratified by three-quarters of the states.
An amendments convention is feared because its scope cannot be limited in advance. The convention convened by Congress to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation produced instead the entirely different Constitution under which we now live. Yet it is precisely the fear of a runaway convention that states can exploit to bring Congress to heel.
We seem to be having something of a libertarian moment on the Right. Two obvious things are fueling that; the explosion of spending over the last eight months and the fact that the Republicans aren't running the show. I'm not the first to observe that it's easier to criticize when you're out of power. Many, many people believe that if the Republicans regain control that they will go back to being just as bad.
The problem is that there is no real path to smaller government without Republican help. There is simply no large anti-statist movement within the Left. During the Bush years there was talk about liberaltarian fusion but that also dried up and blew away pretty quickly as soon as the Democrats had the reins.
The last real hurrah for small government was during the '94 election with the Contract for America. It nationalized the congressional elections. It offered promises for governing that reasonable people could relate to. Unfortunately, it fell short of it's promises. Eventually the true believers were gone and no one but the power-seekers were left.
Enter the Amendment process. Imagine a similar promise, not to propose various laws but to propose various Amendments. Think of a nationwide conversation about the benefits of a real check on Federal power. What if each House and Senate candidate had to give their opinion on term limits or the use of commerce clause. If there is a real hunger in this country for small government, this could be the road to get there.
I'd suggest ten amendments, for historical reasons. I'd suggest things like:
- An amendment for term limiting congress. The worst abusers of power are the ones that have been there the longest.
- An end to gerrymandering. Let's have some more competitive House elections.
- A fix to the commerce clause. This is what today's editorial was about (mostly) and this could lead to a less oppressive federal congress.
- A blanket protection of speech or at least a repudiation of the 'hate speech exception'.
- Harsher penalties for congressional law-breaking. Or increased sunlight on lobbyist connections.
- Some sort of brake on spending, maybe something tied to a precentage of the GDP.
Maybe members of the Tea Parties and the magazine Reason can lead the discussion. As the list shapes up, congressional candidates could be pushed to promise to work to vote these amendments in. If a candidate pledges to amend the Constitution to limit their own term, that should give them some credibility towards a small government movement.
In many ways I agree that country is in the mood for change. Maybe this could be the change that brings us a better political class and more responsible government.
I really like the end to gerrymandering, that is so important to the foundation of democracy.
I like the harsher penalties on Congressman too.
I also like the brakes on spending, we set limits alot and then remove them. Whatever happened to paygo?
Spending limits are very difficult to keep in a legislative environment. I think the combination of a Republican congress and Bill Clinton allowed it in the 90's. I doubt a single party will ever be able to do it. Unless they can't of course...
Well said
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